Sep 20, 2007

Ongoing preparations for the AutoOptics TechnologyForum

The AutoOptics team at Harz University is currently busy with preparing the first AutoOptics TechnologyForum, which will be held in Wernigerode next week on September the 25th. After the frist AutoOptics event in Germany – the AutoOptics ShortCourse from May 29th to May 30th – was able to generate so much attention – the speakers list included researchers from HarzOptics GmbH, DieMount GmbH, PhotonicNet GmbH, CODIXX AG and Polykum e.V. - Harz University is looking foward to hosting this year's TechnolgyForum as well.

The AutoOptics TechnologyForum will feature several presentations and showcases related to the subject of optical data transmission via polymeric fibers (POF) . In the second part in the afternoon, we plan to have a technical discussion and a little plenum and brainstorming on how to go on with the project and what best to do with the rest of the valuable project time. There are many good ideas floating around – from creating a multilingual knowledge exchange wiki about optomechatronics over setting up permanent business partnerships and student exchanges to organizing even more companies and universites for an even bigger research project and applying for EU research grants – and we need to seize the opportunity and discuss all of them in a live plenum – this is certainly going to be a very interesting day.

Once the organisation stands, we will post timeline, agenda and topics list on this blog to keep all attendants out there updated on the proceedings. If you plan to attend and have any questions about the forum, please feel free to write to the organizers via

AutoOptics PartnerProfile: Harz University (Germany)

The Harz University for Applied Studies and Research was founded in 1991, shortly after the German reunification. Since then, the university has grown tremendously – from less than 100 students in 1991 to more than 3.300 students in 2006. During the last decade, Harz University has become an internationally renowned education centre with connections to other academic institutions worldwide. With small classroom groups and a high emphasis on soft skills and practical education, Harz University provides students a chance to enhance their professional education in the romantic setting of the German Harz Mountains.

Contact Details:

Contact: Prof. Dr. U. Fischer-Hirchert

AutoOptics PartnerProfile: KELET (Hungary)

The KELET Optics Network (Kelet-Magyarországi Optomechatronikai Kht., which stands for East-Hungary Optomechatronics Public Benefit Company) was founded by Szatmár Gazdaságfejlesztési Alapítvány (Szatmár Economy Developing Foundation) as a partnership between the Mátészalka Local Government and four companies: Zeiss Vision Hungary, HOYA Lens Manufacturing, MOM Watermeasureing and Flabeg. The main purpose of KELET is to raise the level of education of the existing regional optics staff and to help raise a new generation of highly skilled workers and professionals by organizing conferences and courses for adults. Another main aim of KELET is to support regional companies who traffic in optical components in siginificant cost reduction.

Contact Details:

Managing Director: Szováti Tibor

AutoOptics PartnerProfile: AIDO (Spain)

AIDO is a non-profit industrial research association made up of businesses whose aim since 1988 has been to increase competitiveness through research, development and technological innovation, thus boosting market expansion and improving process and product quality. AIDO has more than 1000 associated companies and 3000 client companies and is continually collaborating with industrial associations, chambers of commerce, public and private research centres and universities in R&D projects. The main purpose of AIDO is to improve competitiveness of the firms encouraging the research, and latest technological development of the industries within the fields of Optics, Imaging, Colour, Design and the most up to date Communication Technologies in order to raise the quality of production, support the exportation and all that contributes to industrial development.

Contact Details:

Contact: Charo Penadés Jordá

Welcome to the AutoOptics-Weblog

Optical Technology in the Automotive Industry – AutoOptics in short – is the focus of a new EU research project within the framework of INTERREG III. Universities, research institutions and technology companys from three countries – Spain, Germany and Hungary – are combining their know-how and manpower to achive a single goal: improving knowledge exchange and innovation coordination between three of the fastest growing European business regions - Valenciana in Spain, North Great Plains in Hungary and Saxony-Anhalt in Germany.

The Spanish project leader is the AIDO optics research institute in Valenciana, the German team is lead by Harz University in Wernigerode and the Hungarian representatives are trusting the KELET competence network to represent their ideas and visions. The project is funded by the European Union as part of the programme „Perspective 2007-2013“ which aims at improving cultural and economic ties between various European regions.

The AutoOptics kick-off was held in Valencia, Spain on February 22nd 2007. Since then scientists and businessmen from three very different and diverse parts of Europe have seized the opportunity to meet, exchanging ideas and forming partnerships. To spread the word about the AutoOptics project, which will continue into 2008 and then be re-evaluated by the EU to decide on further funding, the German AutoOptics team from Harz University has decided to bring this blog into existence. On this website, you will find news and press releases from the three AutoOptics teams, infos about events and success stories and the very latest and up-to-date information regarding the optics as well as the automotive industry in Valenciana, Saxony-Anhalt and North Great Plains.

Therefore, if you are interested in either optics or automotive technologies or would like to be a day-to-day witness on how new interregional business relationships are forming all over Europe, whether you like Spain, Germany, Hungary or all three countries together – simply bookmark the AutoOptics weblog or subscribe to our free RSS feed and we promise to provide you with your daily dose of information.

For all those of you who want to know more about the project right now, please feel free to visit the official website of the German AutoOptics team: