Sep 20, 2007

AutoOptics PartnerProfile: AIDO (Spain)

AIDO is a non-profit industrial research association made up of businesses whose aim since 1988 has been to increase competitiveness through research, development and technological innovation, thus boosting market expansion and improving process and product quality. AIDO has more than 1000 associated companies and 3000 client companies and is continually collaborating with industrial associations, chambers of commerce, public and private research centres and universities in R&D projects. The main purpose of AIDO is to improve competitiveness of the firms encouraging the research, and latest technological development of the industries within the fields of Optics, Imaging, Colour, Design and the most up to date Communication Technologies in order to raise the quality of production, support the exportation and all that contributes to industrial development.

Contact Details:

Contact: Charo Penadés Jordá

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